How to Activate a University Account

New incoming students will need to activate/create their University Account.

Full-time Faculty/Staff will typically have their account pre-activated on a Friday before their Monday start. If account not activated, please follow the steps below.

Adjunct faculty, Vendors/Contractors will need to activate their accounts.


Admitted Students:

  1. Acceptance in at least one University program.
  2. The University has been provided all required application/admission documentation.
  3. If the program requires a deposit, the deposit is paid, and it has been at least 48 hours.
  4. If the student was accepted into the current semester and the term start date has passed, the student was registered for at least one course at least 12 hours prior.


  1. The earliest time to activate a Faculty/Staff account should be Friday before the Monday they start. User should avoid utilizing the account until start date.

Adjunct Faculty:

  1. Must be assigned to teach at least one course during current or soon to start semester for at least 48 hours prior to activating account.
  2. Department must request course assignment for the adjunct faculty with Registrar.


  1. All vendors, volunteers, and contractors have a representative at the university or an administrator who is responsible for requesting their new accounts.
  2. A request must be submitted by said person through 3PA access system prior to account creation/activation.
  3. The requester will specify if the 3PA user needs email - not all 3PA users utilize Sacred Heart email.

Activating Account on AMS

  1. Go to
  2. Click on "Setup a New Account"​​.
  3. On the next screen, in Section 1, enter the following 3 pieces of information:
  4. 7 digit SHU ID number.
  5. Date of birth (Month, Day, Year).
  6. ZIP code provided to the university or country of origin (international students/staff/faculty only).
  7. ​In Section 2, click on the appropriate tab (Student, Faculty & Staff, Adjunct Faculty, Vendors & Volunteers) and review the notes.
  8. Click Next.
  9. On the next screen, in Section 1, a designated SHU email address will be displayed if applicable. You will use this to sign in.
  10. In Section 2, enter a password twice (following the password criteria listed to the right).
  11. In Section 3, enter an emergency notification number (text-capable cell phone preferred) that the university will use to send automated emergency information via text or to contact you if there were an emergency on campus.
  12. In Section 4, click Next.
  13. Finally, you should see a screen confirming your account has been activated. Note down your username and email.

Account Access

Now that your account has been activated, it must go through a number of processes to enable your access to the entirety of the system. Use the following as your guide for when and how you can access your new account.

  1. The first service you will gain access to is your email. After 1 hour since the activation of your account, go to and sign in with your new full Sacred Heart email.
    1. You will be prompted with "More information is needed." Click Next. The site will walk you through setting up your Multi-Factor Authentication methods.
    2. You will be able to access your mailbox and check your emails.
  2. 24 hours after activating your account, you can access your MySHU Portal, the hub for the university provided services. Go to and sign in with your new full Sacred Heart email.
  3. The rest of services, such as SPA, Health Portal and others, will become available by 48 hours since activating your account. Most of these you can access directly through your MySHU Portal!

If you cannot access your email within a few hours of activating your account, please contact the IT Service Desk to investigate any issues.

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Article ID: 6949
Tue 5/7/24 3:17 PM
Wed 5/29/24 5:32 PM

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