Class Standing Does Not Upd​ate


  1. Log in to Colleague
  2. Make sure the start date on STAL is on or before start date of the program (driven by program start date)
  3. Create a SAVEDLIST of the student's STUDENT_ACAD_LEVELS records: using SLED in Colleague
    • Note, the key to the file is the students ID with *UG or *GR on the end (for example 0123456*UG)
  4. Run CLUP in Colleague for this student
    • Update Mode = Yes
    • ​Saved List Name = <Your Savedlist Name from above>
    • Include Future Acad Levels = Yes
    • Acad Levels = UG, GR, and CE
    • Addnl Select Criteria = No
    • Save and Update on CLUP
    • Save and Update again
  5. Check class standing on STAL in Colleague for this student to see that it adjusted.