How to Assign Registration Priorities in Colleague

In preparation for the annual cycles of registration for the major reporting terms (Fall and Spring), the Registrar will determine the breakdown of students' registration dates and times. 

  • Registrar staff runs the Student Breakdown by Class report for full-time students, this allows the determination of schedule, and a spreadsheet is created for the various groups
    • The spreadsheet includes the student IDs which are grouped by start date and start time which will be used to create saved lists.
  • Registrar staff runs the Student Breakdown by Class report for part-time and graduate students 
  • In Colleague, access the SLED (Savedist Edit Contents) screen to create the saved lists
    • Suggested names for saved lists are SR.PRIOR, JR.PRIOR, SO.PRIOR, FR.PRIOR, GR.PRIOR, PT.PRIOR
    • Review detailed instructions here: Creating Savedlists
  • Copy the IDs from the spreadsheets created above that you want to include in the saved list and paste them into the detail screen on SLED
  • Be sure to delete the blank line at the bottom of the list and save it

The following steps need to be completed subsequently for each priority saved list created above. For example for SR.PRIOR, create the priority record and then assign the registration priority time. Once both steps are completed, continue with the next saved list.

Create Registration Priority Record

  1. Go to ARGP (Assign Registration Priority) and enter the following settings:
  2. Clear Reg Priorities File -
    • For the first run of the year, enter Yes (so that the table does not contain any historical data)
    • For subsequent runs, enter No
  3. Priority Counter - enter 1
  4. Registration Term - enter the term you are assigning priorities (for example 16/FA)
  5. Saved List Name - enter the saved list name created on SLED
  6. Click Save and Update to create priorities
  7. Move on to the next section for Assigning Registration Priority Times

Assign Registration Priority Time

  1. Go to ARGT (Assign Registration Time)
  2. Enter the following settings:
    • Schedule Start Date - enter the start date for the grouping you are assigning
    • Total Students Per Time Slot should be 150000 or another large number to accommodate all students in the group
    • End Date - enter the appropriate date that the student should no longer be allowed to register
      • During major registrations, most students usually only have one day to register so the end date would be the same as the start date, however for the priority students, the end date may be the next day
      • After major registrations, the end date should be after the add/drop period for every subterm within a reporting term so that it doesn't prevent students from registering for a module sub-term
    • End Time - depending on the determined schedule 
    • Schedule Times Between Day - enter the day of the week that corresponds with the start date 
    • Schedule Times Between From - enter the start time that the group is allowed to begin registering
    • Schedule Times Between To - leave blank
    • Saved List Name - leave blank unless you are batch updating an existing group of previously assigned registration priorities (after the major registration)
    • Term - enter the Term you are assigning priorities (ex: 24/SP)
    • Additional Selection Criteria - 
      • Yes if you are assigning new priorities and not working off a saved list
      • No if you are updating existing priorities.
    • ​In the Additional Selection Criteria section
      • For Connective field select WITH
      • For Field Name field, enter RGPR.START.DATE 
      • For the Relation field, select EQ 
      • For the Parameter field, enter "''" (double quote, single quote, single quote, double quote)
        • this will select all REG.PRIORITIES records that have a NULL start date
    • Click Save and Update
    • Click Save and Update
    • Click Save and Update
    • Click Save and Update

Registration Priority Report

To see the registration priorities assigned:

  1. Go to RGPR (Registration Priorities Rpt)
  2. For Detailed Report
    • Select Y for lists of students
    • Select N for summary data

Updating Registration Priorities After Initial Registration

When the initial round of registration has finished and you need to update the existing registration priorities to open registration back up to all:

  1.  Go to SLCR (Savedlist Creation)
  2.  At the Savedlist Specification LookUp enter UPDATE.PRIORITY.REGISTRATION
  3. In the Select Statement to Execute, change the date in quotes to be the last end date for the groups that were already closed out. (If any groups were not closed out they don't need to be updated)  For example, 25/SP registration, students were closed out up to 11/08/2024, so you will update the date in the select statement to look like this:  SELECT REG.PRIORITIES WITH RGPR.END.DATE LE "11/08/2024" - where you only need to change the date in the quotes
    • NOTE, if you want to select a specific date you can change the LE (Less than or Equal To) to EQ (Equal To) which will allow you to select a specific date (this would be a good option if you want to reopen for a specific group on a new date instead of the whole group who were closed out - for example opening Freshmen Priorities who started on 11/06/2024 to reopen on 11/08/2024 and only that group so the statement would read SELECT REG.PRIORITIES WITH RGPR.END.DATE EQ "11/08/2024" 
  4. Leave all the other prompts as they are already populated (Savedlist Name to Save Results Under, Review Results of the Select Statement)
  5. Click Save and Update
  6. Make sure there are records in the SLED - Savedlist Edit Contents screen, you will see the savedlist name UPDATE.PRIORITY.REGISTRATION and the Record Count at the top and the keys to the REG.PRIORITIES file in the Savedlist Contents
  7. Click Save and Update to save the list
  8. If you get the WARNING:  The existing SAVEDLISTS record UPDATE.PRIORITY.REGISTRATION will be overwritten!  Continue (Y/N)? click Y and then Update
  9. Go through the steps in the above Assign Registration Priority Time section to assign the new start and end date and times

If you are batch updating end dates for undergraduate students in June to prevent any undergraduate registrations while the Registrar's Office is working on incoming Freshmen schedules, be sure to identify any seniors who graduated in May who had been assigned an Undergraduate registration priority date and time and do not batch update them with the rest of the undergraduates.  Those students could be seniors who graduated and are moving on to a graduate program.  Graduate students are not prevented from registering for Fall during Freshmen Registration, only Undergraduates.

NOTE: if a student does not have a registration priority they can register at any time during the open registration period

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