​​​​​​How Do I Request Access to Colleague?

Requesting Access to Colleague

If access is needed to student or finance data in Colleague, follow these steps in order to request new access or update existing access:

  1. The user must fill out the first section of the form: Colleague Login Access Request Form  
    1. make sure to ​include the name of an employee with existing access to set up the new user with the same access
  2. Once the form is submitted it will be routed to the supervisor for approval
  3. Then it will automatically be sent to the appropriate data steward for approval:
    1. For Student area access (non-Student Activities/Health Services), approved by the Registrar, Angela Pitcher
    2. For Student Activities/Health Services area access, approved by the Dean of Students, Denise Tiberio
    3. For Finance area access, approved by the Associate Vice President for Finance, Liz-Ann St. Onge
  4. The user must download and fill out a confidentiality statement (FERPA form), scan it, and email it to AdminIT@sacredheart.edu​
  5. After the appropriate approver approves the form, the following will happen:
    1. A ticket will be created for the requestor of the access 
    2. The ticket will be assigned to Administrative IT for processing, allow 1-2 weeks for the login account to be created
  6. Once the login account is set up, a confirmation email will be sent to the user
    1. General training must be scheduled with Administrative IT staff
    2. Subject-area specific training is provided by the department staff​