This article will guide you through the most common topics relating to incoming and returning student technology needs.
New Student Guide
SHU Terms Explained:
SHU ID - Sacred Heart University identification number that is unique to each member of the community. Your SHU ID is listed in your acceptance/welcome email as well as on your SHU Card. It is a 9-digit long number, such as 000123456. When used, you will often be asked to provide just the last 7 digits, such as 0123456. It is also used for sign in on SHU Awards.
SHU Email - Sacred Heart University provides each student with a unique email that they should use for all university communications. Your SHU email consists of: [full last name][first name initial][numbers(optional)] For example, the email for John Doe would be You might notice that your email ends in where your faculty, university staff, and departments will use Sacred Heart University uses Outlook as their email provider.
SHU Username - Sacred Heart University usernames are the first part of your SHU email, before the @ symbol. For example, John Doe's SHU email is and his SHU username is doej2.
SHU Account - also known as University Account or Network Account, is the account you will use to sign in to most services and applications at the university. Both your SHU Email and your SHU Username are a part of your SHU Account - some sites will require you to sing in with the full SHU Email (MySHU Portal, SHU Card Transact, Zoom, GlobalProtect VPN etc.), and others will only need your SHU Username (SPA, Health Portal etc.). When you select your password for the account, it is the same whenever you sign in with either SHU Email or SHU Username.
SHU Card (SHU ID Card) - a physical identification card provided to you by the university for purposes of: identification, door access, printing, purchasing on campus and from supported vendors.
Account Activation:
Before you can use the university resources and prepare for the start of the semester, you need to activate your SHU account. You do not need to repeat this process if you are a returning student and already have an account.
If your program requires a deposit, make sure it was paid at least 48 hours before you try to activate your account.
Click here to learn more: How to Activate a University Account.
Setup MFA and Sign in to Outlook (SHU Email):
Once it has been at least an hour since you activate your account, you can sign in to your new SHU email.
Click here to learn more: How to Perform Initial Multifactor Authentication Setup.
Note: If you are using a non-United States phone to set up your MFA and get a new phone when you arrive to Sacred Heart University, you will need to have your MFA reset. To do so, please call the IT Service Desk at 203-365-7575. Be ready to provide your SHU ID, Date of Birth, and ZIP or country of origin.
Accessing MySHU Portal:
24 hours after you activate your account, you will be able to sign in to your MySHU Portal. This is the portal that makes it easy to access your courses, your profile, as well many other services provided by Sacred Heart.
- To access MySHU Portal, go to
- Sign in using your full SHU email and password set during account activation.
- You will be brought to the Institution Page, which is the landing page in MySHU Portal. Here you can find links to many of the services such as your courses, SPA, Outlook, Health Portal, SHU Card and many more.
Accessing Health Portal:
48 hours after you activate your account, you will be able to access your Health Portal, where you can upload your immunization and medical records.
- To access the Health Portal, go to
- Enter your SHU username and password set during account activation, then click Proceed.
- Enter your date of birth (month/day/year, December 1st, 2002 would be 12/01/2002), then click Proceed.
- Submit your medical information, forms, and immunization as required.
Click here to see information regarding Health Portal (Point'N Click).
Uploading Profile Picture:
48 hours after you activate your account, you should upload your Profile Picture. This picture will be used to create and print your SHU ID Card.
Click here to learn more: How to Upload your Profile Photo.
Accessing ISS Portal:
After your account is activated and setup, you will be able to access ISS Portal where you will manage the documentation related to your international status.
Click here to learn more: ISS Portal.
On-Campus Services
24/7 Print Lab:
Located in Humanities Center (HC) wing of the Main Campus, HC113 provides access to computers, learning spaces, and printers.
To learn about the lab, click here: Print Lab General Information.
To learn how to use on-campus printers, click here: Printing on Campus.
Sacred Heart Network:
All students with an active account can utilize the university network.
Click here to learn more: Sacred Heart Network.
Other Services
Traveling? Read this!
If you are traveling outside the United States, there are a few things to keep in mind. If you are planning on accessing Sacred Heart University sites and applications, you might not be able to connect if the country you are visiting is blocked by the university firewall.
To prepare, install GlobalProtect VPN (see below) and make sure you have a plan for your phone.
If you will be using the same phone in another country, you should make sure that your Microsoft Authenticator is set up and ready to go. Go here to add Microsoft Authenticator if you currently receive text or call for your MFA or will be using a different phone: Add Microsoft Authenticator. If you will be using a different phone while you travel and cannot rely on a Wi-Fi connection, you will need to add a new phone number at Perform these changes ahead to avoid delays in access!
GlobalProtect VPN:
Whether you live off campus or are traveling out of country, you might need GlobalProtect VPN. When you connect to the VPN, you are on the United States IP and are able to access network only services such as Library.
Click here to learn more: GlobalProtect VPN.
Technical Support
Knowledge Base:
Click the Knowledge Base tab above to access hundreds of articles for all your technical needs. You can also use the search bar at the top of your bar to search for a specific service or application.
IT Service Desk:
Sacred Heart University IT Service Desk provides support for your technical questions, issues, and requests. IT Service Desk can help you with setting up and troubleshooting your account, installing academic software, troubleshooting computer issues, and taking in the more complex technical issues and requests.
Contacting IT Service Desk:
Call: 203-365-7575
Stop by one of the locations:
Park Ave Campus - Main Academic Building, across from 63's cafeteria.
West Campus - West Building, 1st floor next to Pios Kitchen.
CHE - 3rd floor, at the back of the building.
Stamford Tandet - 2nd floor, lounge area.
Utilize the Chatbot: The chat is located in the bottom right corner, click to start chatting now!
Submit a Self-Service Ticket:
You can submit a self-service ticket that will be sent to IT Service Desk. You will be able to see update on all your tickets in this portal when you sign in!